Friday, August 21, 2020

Writing a Conclusion Sentence

Writing a Conclusion SentenceWhat is a conclusion sentence? When someone is discussing a conclusion or an end to a thought process, the sentence construction used is simply the last thought. This can be good when writing from the point of view of the reader or a speaker.A conclusion sentence can also be used to give emphasis and punch to what a speaker says. It gives you the opportunity to emphasize something. It can be used as the last word in a paragraph or as the last line of a longer article.There are several common mistakes when writing sentences that use the conclusion sentence. First, many writers get hung up on telling what has just been said. You can end a sentence with 'And', but only if the sentence is very short. It does not have to be very long.Writing with a conclusion is fine, but you can write something else that is related to what just was said. In order to write a conclusion, you should come up with a thought that is two sentences in length. If it is two sentences a nd a sentence and a half, you will still be able to write a conclusion.The second mistake that you make when writing a conclusion is that you use a different voice than the rest of the article. This is more like a one liner that ends a thought. To avoid this try writing in your usual style. This can help you when it comes to a sentence that is off the beaten path.Another problem is that many writers feel they should continue talking about what was just said. Most of the time the writer is doing this because they want to put the focus back on them. After you finish talking, make sure you put your attention back on the writer and not the readers.The last mistake is to write a sentence that is too long. A two-sentence conclusion is all you need to finish the article. Do not use two sentences for every thought that was started or use them as filler lines.Once you learn how to do this, the writing will be much easier and you will be able to finish your articles in less time. Take advanta ge of the paragraphs and use the conclusion sentences when appropriate.

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