Tuesday, May 19, 2020

I Was The Best For Me - 998 Words

In 5th grade, when we were given the choice to be in band, I was very anxious to start. We had to meet with Mrs. Jones to try a few different instruments before making a decision. I considered percussion and the clarinet (only because my sister had played it), but I really wanted to try out the trombone. In the end, Mrs. Jones decided the clarinet would be the best for me, mostly because I could use my sisters and not have to buy a new instrument. At the time, I was happy with the choice, mostly because I was excited to be playing anything! Throughout 5th grade, I practiced the clarinet and made my way through our first practice book. I enjoyed band class and lessons, especially getting to be with some of my friends, but I kept thinking about the trombone. I still wanted to play it. By the end of the year, I made up my mind. I was going to play the trombone. I talked to my parents, and my mom talked to Mrs. Jones, allowing me to take the school’s trombone home over the summer between 5th and 6th grade. As soon as I got the trombone, I couldn’t contain my excitement. I took it right out of the case and put it together. I was at my parents’ work, but I was determined to play. I went into their parts room where I could be alone and I tried to remember what little information I knew about playing the trombone. I buzzed my lips, which resulted in a great deal of spit, put my mouth on the mouthpiece, and ta-dah! The first glorious sound of a brand-new trombonist came out of theShow MoreRelatedThankful For My Grandfather Essay819 Words   |  4 Pagesthough my grandparent is not here with me today, he had such a positive influence. If someone were to ask me who I would be thankful for, I would say my grandfather, my parents, and the gifts God has given me. 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